Richard Dell'aiera

[Work in progress]

Et puis émerge une image qui était déjà là.

Une construction d'une multitude d'éléments passés, d'expériences vécues et non vécues : un livre, un film, une chanson, une page de magazine, quelques bribes de conversation entendues dans le métro. Comme une image latente provenant d'un mélange aléatoire entre le moment présent, l'imaginaire collectif, et la mémoire personnelle. Toutes ces choses entrent en collision, me donnant l'impression d'une évidence, comme si la scène s'était déjà produite.

C'est encore arrivé au Mexique. Les motels en bord de route, les cactus, l'air chaud, le soleil qui tabasse. Il y a forcément quelque chose à comprendre.

“A picture which was already there appears.”

What gives the motivation to make these photographs? The photographer sticks to this question since his first trips in Mexico and in the United-States. Just like a latent image coming from a random mixture between the present, the collective imaginary and the personal memory. A combination of indefinite things uniting to create an impression of obviousness and feeling like the scene already happened. Roadside motels, cactus, warm air, sunburns.

“I see this as a construction made of a huge load of past elements, lived and not lived experiences: a book, a movie, a song, a page from a magazine, some snippets of conversation overheard in the subway”.

“This work is from the Saltillo Variations series in which the artist experiments the picture decomposition, bringing them to the limits of abstraction and trying to understand what component of the scene justified my choices, while turning representational art into pure sensation.”

There’s obviously something to understand.

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